A day in the life of a Science Teacher - Taylor Newman

Science teacher Taylor Newman from Pomona High School shared the following about his job.

Taylor Newman
What's your typical work day look like?

You have a planning period where you prepare for your classes, grade, and answer emails. This planning period is not usually long enough to do everything you need to do. You teach classes, usually 5 per day for about one hour each. You help students with their work, lecture, do activities. The job is not usually boring, you are almost always doing something if you are using your time effectively.

Best thing about the job: 
Planning new lessons and seeing students grow who really want to learn the material.

Worst thing about the job: 
Discipline and working through tough situations with students that may not want to change their behaviors. 

Career duration in years: 

What's the stress level of your job? 
Depends on the day, some days are stressful, while other days go very smoothly.

Number of hours sitting at the job is 3/day.

Number of hours moving at the job is 5/day.

Number of hours standing at the job is 5/day.

Total number of daily working hours is 9.

Shift: 7am-3pm

Number of working hours during the weekend: 
Sometimes a couple hours some weekends, mostly grading or planning.

Best personality type for the job: 
You have to LOVE being around kids. If you don't like kids, you will probably dislike being a teacher.

Need a license for the job? 

Minimum education required for the job: 
4 year bachelors degree for most school districts.
